Why should I care?

Could you imagine a grey world without trees, fruits and fragrant flowers?

Narration: Konstantinos Potamianos 

The problem

In recent years, Bees (social as well as solitary) have been decreasing, both in abundance and in diversity, due to anthropogenic activities that lead to the degradation of natural habitats and put pressure on the environment. Without Bees, animals and plants die, while life degrades and is threatened with extinction.

The importance of Bees

Bees, as primary pollinators, are essential to ecosystem health, well-being and life itself.

For thousands of years, Bees, as invisible helpers of the gods, and their admirable society, have had a prominent place in culture and folklore, and powerful symbolism in religion, philosophy, mythology, the arts, folk healing and life. They are associated with harmony, cooperation, morality, rebirth and eternity and inspire us to adopt environmentally sustainable practices. Furthermore, the study of the lives of Bees and their collective wisdom reflects positive values ​​and emerges new knowledge that improves the world. 


How can I help?

Support our workBees and our planet need you.


  • plant native bee-friendly plants
  • prefer organic products and preparations
  • buy raw honey from local producers
  • consume sustainably
  • use pesticides properly
  • protect wild bee colonies
  • contribute to the protection of ecosystems
  • raise awareness in my community and network

Beekeepers and farmers 

  • use pesticides properly
  • apply environmentally friendly practices
  • leave uncultivated sections in the field
  • plant native bee-friendly plants around the field
  • create pollinator hedgerows
  • diversify crops

Policy makers, organisations and decision-making centers 

  • encourage friendly practices for Bees and the environment
  • participate in actions to support Bees and the environment
  • invest in networking, education and awareness actions of the local communities
  • work with Beelosophy and other environmental organisations
  • promote cooperation between national and international organisations, academic and research bodies and networks for pollinator monitoring, research, evaluation and protection