Capturing snapshots of plants, landscapes, Bees, elements of culture or a combination of these, the students of the "Art of Photography" specialisation of the School of Higher Vocational Training (SAEK) of KARYSTOS highlighted the local cultural identity and the current problems of biodiversity loss and the cultural crisis, thereby contributing positively to the dialogue to find sustainable solutions. The students created 51 (fifty one) original works of art (photographs) as part of a project titled "The Bee turns...". The cooperation of the students with nature took place in the framework of the action SWEETEN YOUR HERITAGE KARYSTOS* by BEELOSOPHY.
This great initiative of SAEK of KARYSTOS inspires us for a better tomorrow. Wouldn't it be worth it to set an example and reflect on the purpose of our existence and on our participation in society and possibly learn useful lessons* from the society of Bees?
*Respect, cooperation, teamwork, hard work, solidarity, organisation, ethics, self-sufficiency, harmony, integrity
During the project, students had the opportunity to research Bees and honey and learn more cultural and other information about the topic. They studied texts, read literature, poetry and proverbs about the Bees. Discussions around the topic followed, which activated the students' interest, stimulated a creative reflection and mobilised them for further investigation. Under the guidance of Professor Georgios Lykouropoulos, the students were inspired, went on excursions to the Karystian nature and created the works of art, applying experiential communicative teaching (project method), with an emphasis on intedisciplinarity.
The students, excited by their participation, note: "The Bee, already from the moment of her birth, knows the purpose of her existence and works tirelessly for it. Worker, Queen or Drone, everyone knows what to do. Always focused on their goals, without being influenced by any "factor". They can even give their lives for the good of the hive and the whole. It is one of nature's most perfect systems! It is worth learning from the Bees."
Congratulations to Georgia Tourla, Director of SAEK of KARYSTOS, for the initiative and for the excellent production management, to Professor Georgios Lykouropoulos for the exemplary research and teaching, and to all the students for their participation.
Overall, BEELOSOPHY's action SWEETEN
series of activities, connects artists,
students, scientists and local actors in an innovative way and contributes to a
productive dialogue for the restoration of the sustainable interface between
man and nature, having the natural and cultural environment as a vehicle and Bees
and beekeeping as protagonists.
*Concept – scientific production: Angelos Karagiannis

With financial support and under the auspices

Under the auspices