

As the cultural action SWEETEN YOUR HERITAGE (SYH) KARYSTOS comes to a closure, BEELOSOPHY organised, on Sunday, October 27, 2024, a multiplier event at the Yokalio Spiritual Center of Karystos.

At the event, the BEELOSOPHY team presented the activities and results of the action. Attendees watched, among others, four of the videos produced by BEELOSOPHY for the action: the trailer, a TV spot, a cultural video, and a video with interviews of artists.

At the same time, all artists, pupils and students who were inspired by the action and created works of art, were given the opportunity to exhibit their works in the event hall of Yokalion. Each artwork beared a tag with the title, name and artist statement of the creator, as well as a description (materials/technique, dimensions). The audience had the opportunity to tour the works live and also meet the creators and interact with them. We are very proud and grateful for everyone's entries. The artworks, alongside the names of all the creators, as well as the action itself, are broadcasted on TV, radio, internet and social networks, at events and on BEELOSOPHY's website as a digital exhibition.

Pantelis Kontogiannis, producer and Ambassador of BEELOSOPHY, coordinated the event.

The event started with a greeting from Lefteris Raviolos, Mayor of Karystos, who pointed out the importance of the action and shared with the attendees some future thoughts for its further utilisation.

Angelos Karagiannis, scientific manager and Ambassador of BEELOSOPHY presented the action and its results and thanked all contributors and constituents.

Giorgos Mavrofridis, BEELOSOPHY Ambassador and archaeologist, with distinguished scientific work on archaeology, ethnography and the history of beekeeping in general, spoke to the audience about the beekeeping of Evia over time. 

After a video was shown in which artists Elizabeth Nead, Tassos Syntelis and Simon Benzaquen talk about the action, the first two of them took the floor and told their own story on the path of the action, focusing on its positive impact and in its contribution.

The floor was then opened to anyone interested to intervene. Artist Melina Elena Stylianou made suggestions based on potential synergies and complementarities with other actions and/or programmes. Sofia Kyriakou, representative of the ECO FLANEUR group, which participated with 18 works of art, explained the collective work of the group as an example of cohesion and unity.

At the end of the event, Elena Stylianopoulou, the President of BEELOSOPHY had the pleasure of awarding certificates of distinction to the contributing entities. Certificates of participation were sent to all artists.

In the SYH Karystos action, we set the goal of creative expression through visual arts. Protecting cultural and natural heritage and supporting creativity and dynamic cultural sectors are fundamental to addressing the challenges of our time, from climate change to poverty, inequality, the digital divide, as well as increasingly complex emergencies and conflicts. We feel that the action contributed to an inclusive, more innovative and resilient society. In Karystia and beyond. After our stopover in Karystos, we continue down BEELOSOPHY's cultural path.



Aegea hotel. Pigadakia, Karystos. Tel. 2224029055.   

Μοσχοκάρυδο restaurant / bistro/ café. 114, Kriezotou, Karystos. Tel. 2224022441.

Karystion Hotel. Karystos. Tel. 2224022391.                                                            

Karystia Winery. Alamaneika, Karystos, 3rd km Karystos-Halkida. Tel. 2224022854.